Ladines has been my refuge and a haven from which I was born. Along with my grandparents there I spent the holidays of all my childhood and youth. They taught me to love Nature, with their daily work and hiking through the bush. With the passage of time I realized the value of this land, often forgotten or stating the obvious after having the eye accustomed to the spectacular environment. I understood the connections between the heterogeneous learning throughout my career and I realized the importance of going back to the origins, but now with a different look. There would be No better place on the planet to found the Laboratory biomimetic.
The natural space of Networks, declared a Natural Park in 1996, and a Biosphere Reserve by the UNESCO in the year 2001, it has magnificent natural and cultural values, whose possibilities makes it the perfect place to set the location of the Laboratory Biomimetic. His teaching and research activities make it compatible with the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic diversity of the place.
Through the various activities that we develop in the Lab we want to promote awareness of the Park and its natural and cultural values, at the same time that we show what is biomimicry in an open laboratory and wild, where you will be able to feel and experience the secrets and powers of Nature.
Marlén Lopez
Director of Laboratory Biomimetic