Our History

Nature with a capital letter.

Ladines has been my refuge and a haven from which I was born. Along with my grandparents there I spent the holidays of all my childhood and youth. They taught me to love Nature, with their daily work and hiking through the bush. With the passage of time I realized the value of this land, often forgotten or stating the obvious after having the eye accustomed to the spectacular environment. I understood the connections between the heterogeneous learning throughout my career and I realized the importance of going back to the origins, but now with a different look. There would be No better place on the planet to found the Laboratory biomimetic.

The natural space of Networks, declared a Natural Park in 1996, and a Biosphere Reserve by the UNESCO in the year 2001, it has magnificent natural and cultural values, whose possibilities makes it the perfect place to set the location of the Laboratory Biomimetic. His teaching and research activities make it compatible with the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic diversity of the place.

Through the various activities that we develop in the Lab we want to promote awareness of the Park and its natural and cultural values, at the same time that we show what is biomimicry in an open laboratory and wild, where you will be able to feel and experience the secrets and powers of Nature.

Marlén Lopez
Director of Laboratory Biomimetic

Manuel Persa.

Researcher and craftsman digital.
Co-founder of Lab Biomimetic.

"As a designer and inventor, developing new design concepts in projects of a multi-discipline. My work is a fusion between creativity and experimentation, inspired by nature, technology, and new materials.
I enjoy working with their hands and prototipando, learning the new ways of manufacturing, but without losing sight of the ways of doing traditional.
Use your imagination and new technologies to meet the challenges of the design of the future."

Tras graduarse como diseñador gráfico en la Escuela Superior de Arte del Principado de Asturias (ESAPA) en 2007, inicia su andadura profesional en varios estudios como diseñador gráfico, pero enseguida le empiezan a interesar otras disciplinas artísticas, lo que le lleva a seguir formándose, ésta vez en Barcelona, donde estudia el Máster en Diseño Multimedia por la Escola Superior de Disseny i Enginyeria (ELISAVA) en 2009. Allí comienza a experimentar la materialidad del diseño, a través de tecnologías multimedia y de interacción. Entre los años 2010 y 2018 trabajó en diferentes estudios de diseño como director de arte para proyectos multimedia y animación para publicidad, videoclips y eventos. Desde entonces ha venido desarrollando su experiencia profesional en su propio estudio, Volumínica, especializándose en diseño de marca y estrategia conceptual, con enfoque en soluciones vanguardistas y sostenibles, al mismo tiempo que ha ido creando una línea de producción en torno a la artesanía digital en Laboratorio Biomimético.
Con un marcado carácter maker y autodidacta, ha complementado su curiosidad con formación en diversas técnicas como el origami para diseños estructurales en papel, la fabricación aditiva y una extensa investigación en la creación de biomateriales. También conoce técnicas tradicionales como la construcción con cebatu y la cestería.

Ha sido seleccionado y participado en diversos programas de diseño y sostenibilidad, para la Fundación Biodiversidad y Ecoembes; “Circular Weekend” de Enviroo y Gijón IMPULSA. Gracias al workshop “Impresión 3D basada en patrones de la Naturaleza” de la Universidad de Oviedo comienza su investigación en la ciencia de la biomímesis. En los últimos años ha trabajado entorno a la Naturaleza como inspiración para su proceso creativo, lo que ha dado como resultado una metodología de trabajo que ha trasladado al campo de la formación. Ha llevado la experimentación e investigación con biomateriales al campo del arte, con ideas propias y en colaboración con otros artistas, además ha diseñado piezas de mobiliario participando en diferentes exposiciones.

Ganador del primer premio Ances Open Innovation de la Asociación Española de Centros de Innovación en 2023, con el reto de la multinacional HMY sobre fabricación y diseño con materiales biodegradables.

Marlén Lopez.

Director, doctor, Architect biodigital.
Co-founder of Lab Biomimetic.

"As an architect and researcher, developing cross-disciplinary projects that involve innovation through the use of new technologies during the design and manufacturing process, and with a base of biological research. My specialty is the application of biomimetics to the construction sector. In the development of the doctoral thesis: Immersive architectural alive that interact with their environment, I propose a new design methodology for enclosures, based on the study of the adaptations of the plants to the different european climatic zones to improve the energy efficiency of buildings. I defend the use of biomimicry as a tool in architecture can help to develop a new type of active design with the environment."

After graduating from the School of Architecture of the University of A Coruña (ETSAC) in 2008 (including an Erasmus scholarship, IUAV, University of Venice, Italy in 2005-06), he studied for a Master's degree in Architecture Biodigital, ESARQ-UIC, Barcelona in 2009, developing the final thesis: "the Architecture biodigital pop-up".

In 2017, he presented his doctoral thesis “Immersive architectural alive that interact with their environment. Naturalizando the design” in the Department of Construction Engineering and Manufacturing, University of Oviedo and the Cum Laude and with International doctorate by the University College London (UCL), London.

Over twelve years of experience as an architect and researcher (in the private and public sphere), has developed several architectural projects and research projects, and has gathered more than 300 hours of teaching, publications, presentations and lectures in international conferences. In addition, it has formed part of various exhibitions and she has received awards.


From 2013: Research associate in different research groups (IDEASCAD and GICONSIME) in the Department of Construction and manufacturing Engineering of the University of Oviedo.

  • “Design of immersive, adaptive based on the Nature” (FC-15-GRUPIN-IDI/2018/000221).
  • “Research groups on sustainable construction, simulation and testing (GICONSIME). Design, simulation and testing thermal envelope biomimicry” (FC-15-GRUPIN14-004).
  • “Investigation of biomimetic applied to techniques generative design” (SV-PA-13-ECOEMP-86).

From 2016: Co-founder and architect at Volumínica Studio.

  • Development and management of design and architecture projects.

From 2018: Management and research in Chair-Mile radius of the Knowledge MediaLab.


  • “3D printing based on the patterns of nature in the Aquarium of Gijón and the” course of university extension, University of Oviedo. (year 2019-2020)
  • “The superpowers of Nature” workshop at the University of Oviedo, Researchers ' Night (September 2019)
  • “Experience Bauhaus 100” summer course, Universidad de Oviedo (July 2019)
  • Address of the project “DOMEstic warehouse” and guardianship and management of the team working for the international competition Global Design Challenge, Biomimicry Institute. Project with mention: AWARD OF MERIT. (year 2018-19)
  • “3D printing based on the patterns of nature in the Oceanographic Centre of Gijón” course of university extension, University of Oviedo. (year 2018-19)
  • “New design challenges: towards innovation in the architecture and design audio-visual”. Workshop: “Biocápsulas: Design, ephemeral architecture based on the structure of the seeds” in the University School of design, Innovation and technology ESNE (November 2018).
  • “Biomimicry” Workshop I: “Biocápsula”. Workshop II: “Bio.Material”. Workshop III: “Canopy, in the title itself “an Expert in 3D printing creative”, University of Oviedo. (year 2016-17) (year 2017-18)

More info

  • “The superpowers of Nature” workshop for school, Days Asturias Designs (October 2019)
  • “The superpowers of the plants ' conference and workshop at the conference Teaching Science, University of Oviedo, Science Week (November 2018)
  • “New biological frontiers: towards an architecture of the future” conference and workshop in the I. E. S. Dr. Fleming, Conference “Ecology and sustainable development” (march 2018)
  • “New challenges of design”, Workshop: “Envelopes genetic” in the Art School of Oviedo, Days of interior design IN 2018 (march 2018)
  • “3D printing based on the patterns of nature in the Botanical Garden of Gijón” course of university extension, University of Oviedo. (year 2017-18)
  • “InnovArquitectura: advanced techniques in design and manufacturing”, “course Module 1: Innovating. Introduction”, COAA. (September 2017)
  • “Applications of the Nature of science and technology” course in program PUMUO, University of Oviedo. (year 2016-17) course (2017-18) (year 2018-19)
  • “Design based on patterns of Nature” workshop on program PUMUO, University of Oviedo. (year 2016-17)
  • “Biomimicry” in various educational facilities, the initiative “a Day of Science at my school”. FIFTEENTH Week of the science and Technology of the University of Oviedo. course (2015-16)
  • “Biomimicry” in subject Ecodesign of the Degree of Mechanical Engineering, the Degree of Mechanical Engineering, University of Oviedo. course (2015-16) (year 2014-15) (year 2013-14)
  • “Bioneros”, II Conference " entrepreneurship and biomimetics, University of Oviedo and CEEI Asturias. (2014).


  • 2019. NEW DESIGN CHALLENGES: towards innovation in architecture and design and audiovisual. TRP21 – 06. YOUNG DESIGN MAY 2019 ISSN 2451-6112
  • 2018. Approaching new challenges for the design of bioinspired the classroom. TRP21 – 05. DIGITAL DISRUPTION JULY 2018. ISSN 2451-6112
  • 2017. Biomimetics applied to architecture and construction. ISBN: 978-84-16664-62-7
  • 2017. How plants inspire façades. From plants to architecture: Biomimetic principles for the development of adaptive architectural envelopes, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Volume 67, January 2017, Pages 692-703, ISSN 1364-0321, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2016.09.018.
  • 2016. Design of cities based on principles of nature through digital. TRP21 – 03. DIGITAL CITY MAY 2016.

Other publications

  • 2016. New biological frontiers: towards an Architecture of the future. TRP21 – 04. DIGITAL CITY DECEMBER 2016
  • 2015. Adaptive Architectural Envelopes for temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and light control. ISBN: ISBN 978-3-98120538-1
  • 2015. Surfaces genetic through the ephemeral. TRP21 – 02. DIGITAL ART NOVEMBER 2015. ISSN 2451-6112
    2015. Active materials for adaptive architectural envelopes based on plant adaptation principles. DOI: 10.3233/FDE-150026
  • 2013. Architectural envelopes that interact with their environment. DOI: 10.1109/SmartMILE.2013.6708189
  • 2009. “Ebdatt (Architectural Creation) magazine, year 2009, number 1, Syria.”
  • 2009. “Genetic Architectures III: new biological & digital techniques / genetic Architecture III: new techniques in biological and digital, Santa Fe (USA), Barcelona, SITES, Books / ESARQ-UIC, 2009.”
  • Evaluative review of scientific articles (ELSEVIER, DYNA).
  • A correspondent in Spain of TRP21: publication of academic research.


  • “From biology to Engineering constructive: passive systems” on REBUILD SMART BUILDING – National Congress of Architecture and Advanced Building, Madrid, spain.
  • “Adaptive Architectural Envelopes for temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide and light control” on the X Congress on Advanced Building Skins, Bern.
  • “Active materials for adaptive architectural envelopes based on plant adaptation principles” at the VII International Congress ICAE, San Sebastian.

Other conferences

  • “The superpowers of the plants” in Pint of Science of Spain 2019, Gijón.
  • “The superpowers of plants” on the First day against plastic pollution, Aquarium of Gijon.
  • “New design challenges: towards innovation in the architecture and design audio-visual” in the meeting “Circularweekend. Entrepreneurs and circular economy” in Gijón.
  • “New design challenges: towards innovation in the architecture and design audio-visual” in 1st Congress experiential AJE Asturias “We are Vanguard”, Avilés.
  • “New biological frontiers: towards an architecture of the future. Applications of the nature to architecture” in the COAA, Oviedo.
  • “Women and their involvement in science,” in THIRTEENTH Day of women entrepreneurs and Professionals in FIDMA, Gijón.
  • “Buildings alive to breathe. Towards an architecture of the future” in the III TedxYouth, Gijón.
  • “Design VS people in architecture” in the I Congress of Design&You, Oviedo.
  • “The ephemeral or temporary VS the permanent” at the II Jornadas Design & Drinks, Oviedo.
  • “Architectural envelopes that interact with their environment” at the International Congress SmartMile, Gijón.


  • 2nd Prize INGEGRAF by the project “Biomimetics applied to architecture and construction”.
  • ‘Photo booth looking at the sky’ for the contest ‘Hiloconductor’ organised by the company Germán Vizcaíno, and the City of Gijón.
  • Award for the best poster presentation of the doctoral thesis, during the II Conference of the G9, in the University of Extremadura.
  • ‘Action Floating’ for the contest ‘The Fall of ' Recycling’ organized by EMULSA and the City of Gijón.