Responsible consumption and reduced waste.

A recent report from Circle Economy warns that, if steps are not taken to remedy this situation, the waste of raw materials could reach staggering numbers of 170/184 million tonnes by the year 2050. These levels of waste exceeds clearly the sustainable limits of our planet.

Es crucial abordar este problema y adoptar un enfoque más responsable hacia el consumo y la producción de recursos. La economía lineal, en la que extraemos, producimos, utilizamos y desechamos sin considerar las consecuencias ambientales, debe evolucionar hacia una economía circular donde se busca reducir, reutilizar, reciclar y regenerar los recursos para minimizar el desperdicio y prolongar su vida útil.

Initiatives such as the use of biological materials from waste, are examples of how we can contribute to reduce the pressure on natural resources. It is essential to encourage the research and development of innovative and sustainable solutions in various industrial fields.

We strive to understand and take into account the dynamics and the relationships between the different elements of this ecosystem. In our design approach, we consider the aspects of cultural, natural and social.

Chephirah, biocerámica manufactured with a 90% coffee grounds from local restaurants.

Bienvenido a Arbio

A space where we create pieces of sustainable design and circular.

We are passionate about the power of Nature to create innovative solutions and regenerative, that is why for our materials and products we use natural binders and waste from the agri-food industry, 100% biodegradable at the end of their useful life, as a leaf on the forest floor.

We seek to involve different actors and communities in the development of our solutions. We value the perspective and experience of the people to generate innovative ideas and solutions most appropriate to the actual needs. Encourage collaboration with other designers, experts, researchers and the general community to enrich our design process and to ensure the relevance and applicability of our proposals.

We strive to adopt a regenerative approach in all our actions and decisions. We seek design solutions that respect the environment and promote the regeneration of natural resources. We care about minimizing the negative impacts and maximize the positive benefits in our manufacturing processes and design. In addition, we are interested in the restoration and regeneration of social and cultural systems in which we operate. We value inclusion, equity and respect for local communities. We seek to collaborate with them actively and responsibly, recognizing their knowledge and encouraging their participation in decision making.

We build a more authentic relationship and a virtuoso with the ecosystem of which we are a part. From homes and offices to shops and spaces in general, we invite you to immerse yourself in an experience that fuses innovation with the harmony of the environment.


Abraza el carácter revolucionario de la Naturaleza.


Un biomaterial fabricado utilizando la cáscara de las castañas, un subproducto de la industria alimentaria. Este material se caracteriza por ser sostenible y biodegradable, ya que utiliza un recurso natural renovable y ayuda a reducir los residuos agrícolas. La cáscara de castaña se tritura y procesa para obtener un material que puede tener diversas aplicaciones, como en la fabricación de aislantes decorativos, piezas de mobiliario y decoración, o incluso como componente en mezclas para crear materiales compuestos biodegradables. Este enfoque contribuye a la economía circular y a la reducción del impacto ambiental.

Convert the garbage into an opportunity for design

In Arbio we have developed protocols effective to control the materiality of waste food. We carry out complex projects and iterative research and development, which allows us to explore novel solutions.

We strive to establish meaningful connections with other industries, either through funding for research or through co-development projects.

Si crees que podemos crear algo personalizado para ti, no dudes en ponerte en contacto.

Lámpara fabricada con Cafira, nuestro material de residuos de café.

Premio nacional Open Innovation 2023 por nuestra solución de creación de biomateriales a partir de residuos agroalimentarios.

Lee el artículo completo aquí.


Si en tu negocio se generan subproductos agroalimentarios que van a acabar en la basura o de los que te tienes que deshacer, como pieles de frutas o verduras, cáscaras de frutos, posos de café u otros residuos orgánicos y quieres formar parte de este proyecto como colaborador llámanos, recogeremos esos residuos y les daremos una segunda vida, quizás hasta los podamos reintroducir en tu propio negocio.

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