
Diseño, producción y formación.

The design, as well as other sectors, should direct their gaze towards a more sustainable future, exercising the profession from the care and respect for the planet. One of the great challenges of the design industry would be to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGS), eliminating the impact of the work created on the environment and responding to the challenges of social, material and energy challenges facing humanity.

We believe that progress towards societies ecologically sustainable the first step is to raise the awareness of people about the problems and the consequences that generate our demands and dynamics of the consumption current. As consumers, we are the problem and also the solution, because we have the power to change our way of consuming and slow down the waste, and waste that we generate.

The natural space of Networks, declared a Natural Park in 1996, and a Biosphere Reserve by the UNESCO in the year 2001, it has magnificent natural and cultural values, whose possibilities makes it the perfect place to set the location of the Laboratory, the activity of which will make it compatible with the conservation of landscapes, ecosystems, species and genetic diversity of the place.

The idea of creating Laboratory Biomimetic arises from the commitment with the environment, with the aim of working in the Natural Park of Networks to create design solutions bioinspiradas, sustainable, and innovative, discovering and learning environment.

Biomimicry is a fascinating field that is based on the observation and the study of nature in order to find innovative solutions to human challenges.


Nature as source of inspiration

Biomimicry is based on the idea that nature is a laboratory of efficient design and sustainable. Observe and understand how organisms and ecosystems can offer valuable lessons to solve problems and improve our technologies and processes.

Principles of design

Nature uses design principles that can be applied to different disciplines. Some examples are the energy efficiency, adaptation to the environment, the optimization of the structural and the use of renewable materials.

Adaptation and evolution

Nature has evolved over millions of years, developing adaptive solution to various challenges. Studying how organisms adapt to the environment and solve problems can inspire innovation in areas such as architecture, engineering, and medicine.


Nature uses a wide variety of materials in their design, such as collagen, the shells of the shellfish, or the exoskeleton of insects. These biomaterials may be light, resistant and biodegradable, and its study may open up new possibilities in the manufacturing of products and materials.

Networks and systems

Natural ecosystems are complex systems interconnected. To study the networks and systems in nature can help us understand and design systems more efficient and resilient in areas such as logistics, communication and management of resources.

Sustainable innovation

The biomimetic promotes solutions that are sustainable and respectful with the environment. To mimic the processes and strategies of nature, we can develop technologies and products that minimize the negative impact on the planet and promote sustainability.

Through A variety of learning programs, we disclose a new way of doing design, from the thought biomimetic and the principles of sustainability.
From the observation, understanding and integration of the biological strategies observed in Nature, we can create innovation and contribute to a better world.

El trabajo que desarrollamos en el estudio circula en torno a tres ejes:

Through A variety of learning programs, we disclose a new way of doing design, from the thought biomimetic and the principles of sustainability.
From the observation, understanding and integration of the biological strategies observed in Nature, we can create innovation and contribute to a better world.

The work we do in the study revolves around three axes.


There is a commitment to design as a tool of change for a more sustainable world, providing our clients with creative solutions, innovative and bioinspiradas, thus achieving a differentiation and better positioning of their brands, products, or processes.


Además de la creación de piezas de diseño para mobiliario, juegos para formación y otras herramientas, nuestra Factoría de Biomateriales se centra en la fabricación de materiales innovadores y sostenibles a partir de la recuperación de residuos agroalimentarios, desarrollamos procesos de producción que minimizan el impacto ambiental y promueven la circularidad de los recursos. Desde bioplásticos hasta textiles bioinspirados, nuestra producción se basa en la utilización de materias primas renovables y en la aplicación de tecnologías limpias y eficientes.


Creemos en la importancia de compartir conocimiento y capacitar a las próximas generaciones de innovadores. Por ello, ofrecemos programas de formación y capacitación en diseño bioinspirado, biomateriales y sostenibilidad. Estamos poniendo especial atención en nuestra Escuela de Biodiseño para brindar oportunidades de aprendizaje práctico y teórico, donde estudiantes, profesionales y educadores pueden adquirir habilidades y conocimientos para aplicar en sus propios proyectos, o para enseñar nuestra metodología a sus alumnos.