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SummerLab 2024 BIODESIGN

SummerLab 2024 BIODESIGN

Cuarta edición de este curso de verano donde lo conocerás todo sobre a la science of biomimicry and principles of design bioinspired to help achieve innovation in the creative processes and design new realities.
Con el apoyo de:

Nature as an inspiration in the design process.

The course of the summer BIODESIGN is a program of learning immersive in Nature, in the Natural Park of Networks, in Asturias.
A través de diferentes cápsulas formativas entenderemos qué es la biomímesis, cuáles son sus aplicaciones y su metodología de trabajo. Aprenderemos a mirar la Naturaleza con curiosidad y desde la experimentación creativa encontrar alternativas en los procesos de diseño.
Al fomentar la interacción entre diversos enfoques y prácticas con organismos que trascienden lo humano, BIODESIGN facilita una exploración más exhaustiva y enriquecedora de los temas relacionados con la naturaleza y la biología. Esta apertura al diálogo y la colaboración multidisciplinar no solo amplía el acceso a la información, sino que también fomenta un entendimiento más holístico y reflexivo de la naturaleza.

BIODESIGN puede actuar como un catalizador para discusiones críticas sobre los avances en biotecnología y su impacto en nuestra relación con el medio ambiente. Al alentar una reflexión más profunda sobre las implicaciones éticas y sociales de estos avances, ayudando a forjar un camino hacia una interacción más equilibrada y sostenible entre la humanidad y la naturaleza.

BIODESIGN es una experiencia de 1 semana para profesionales, docentes y estudiantes que quieran mejorar sus procesos creativos adquiriendo habilidades para transformar la observación de la Naturaleza en soluciones prácticas. Aprendiendo en el camino a usar técnicas de fabricación digitales y artesanales para fabricar prototipos.

Why look to Nature?

We believe that progress towards societies ecologically sustainable the first step is to raise the awareness of people about the problems and the consequences that generate our demands and dynamics of the consumption current. As consumers, we are the problem and also the solution, because we have the power to change our way of consuming and slow down the waste, and waste that we generate.
Mankind must face up to a major transformation and change its relationship with Nature, through greater social and ecological consciousness.
The design is a powerful tool for carrying out this transformation, for this reason we propose environments for experimentation, looking for narratives that pose a better future.
A new way of thinking about the processes of creating, innovating in the resolution of the design challenges of a sustainable, circular and regenerative, using Nature as a guide.

Who is it for?

BIODESIGN is aimed at those explorers who want to lead transformation projects, with a global vision and interdisciplinary, taking into account the bases of sustainable development.
Students and professionals who have concerns and interest in and to integrate new methodologies in the creation and execution of projects of all creative disciplines, especially those related to the design, architecture, product design and furniture, graphic design, engineering, jewelry making, fashion design and art.

Where and when?

Del 14 al 21 de julio.

The summer course will be held in the facilities of the Laboratory Biomimetic in Ladines, specifically in direct contact with the Nature of the Natural Park of Redes, a laboratory that fosters creativity and immersion in the natural environment and the new technologies.


Sobrescobio, 33993 Asturias, SPAIN.

What is included?

  • Accommodation: apartment rural shared with private room, 8 days, 7 nights.
  • Meals: Offers in the apartments of bread and cake-eco-friendly village bakery. Also included are the group meals: dinner inaugural, two picnics and farewell dinner.
  • All materials, a copy of the notebook biomimetic and you'll have access to our workshop and tools.
  • Tutoring with the technical staffwe'll help you to carry out any idea.
  • Complementary activities:  yoga, astronomía, visitas a otros lugares, etc.

Escríbenos por mail y te enviamos el dossier completo del Summerlab 2024


We will keep you informed of upcoming workshops, walks and courses.

In addition we will send you by mail the manual of the notebook biomimetic, "How to create your own collection of discoveries from the natural world" with activities, recommendations, etc
